30 Revival Roses & 5 Lilies


A luxurious bouquet of 30 Revival roses and 5 lilies. Ideal for anniversaries, birthdays, and romantic gestures in Dubai. Same-day delivery available


30 Revival Roses & 5 Lilies – A Stunning Bouquet for Every Occasion

Our 30 Revival Roses & 5 Lilies bouquet combines the timeless beauty of roses with the elegant charm of lilies, creating a breathtaking floral arrangement perfect for any special occasion. Whether celebrating a romantic moment, a milestone or just showing someone you care, this luxurious bouquet will surely make a lasting impression.

Why Choose Our 30 Revival Roses & 5 Lilies Bouquet?

  • Unmatched Freshness: Each flower is handpicked to ensure the freshest, most beautiful blooms.
  • Customizable Sizes: Choose from the classic 30-rose bouquet or request a larger, more elaborate arrangement.
  • Elegant and Romantic Design: Combining rich Revival roses and delicate lilies creates a sophisticated balance perfect for any celebration.

Product Details:

  • Flower Type: Fresh, handpicked Revival Roses & Lilies
  • Available Size: Classic 30 Roses & 5 Lilies bouquet
  • Arrangement Style: Hand-tied bouquet
  • Delivery: Orders placed before 2:00 PM in Dubai are eligible for same-day delivery.

Flower Care Tips:

To keep your Roses & Lilies looking fresh and beautiful for as long as possible:

  • Place the bouquet in a clean vase with fresh water, trimming the stems at an angle to ensure optimal hydration.
  • Change the water every 2-3 days, and re-trim the stems each time to help the flowers absorb water more efficiently.
  • To preserve its natural beauty, keep the bouquet in a cool, shaded area away from direct sunlight, heat, or drafts.

Occasions/Use Cases:

Perfect for any special occasion, our bouquet adds elegance and charm to:

  • Anniversaries
  • Romantic gestures
  • Birthdays
  • Weddings
  • Corporate gifts
  • Just because!

This luxurious floral arrangement is the perfect way to express love, admiration, or appreciation.

Don’t wait! Order your Roses & Lilies bouquet today and surprise your loved ones with a stunning floral arrangement, delivered the same day in Dubai!

But don’t stop here! At Sun Valley Flower Shop, you can explore a wide selection of floral arrangements, gift baskets, and more. Please browse our other categories, including Centerpieces, Boxes & Baskets, and Custom Floral Arrangements.

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