Royal Roses


A luxurious arrangement of 100 pink, purple, and white roses in a beautiful box. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, and special occasions, with same-day delivery in Dubai.
Note: Customizable to fit your needs.


Royal Roses in Pink, Purple and White

Indulge in the luxurious beauty of our Royal Roses. This stunning arrangement of 100 handpicked roses in a harmonious blend of pink, purple, and white hues is designed to convey elegance, sophistication, and grace. Perfect for any occasion that calls for a statement of love, admiration, or celebration, this arrangement comes elegantly presented in a beautiful box tied with a delicate ribbon.

Each rose is carefully selected for its freshness and beauty, ensuring a breathtaking display that will leave a lasting impression. The Royal Roses bouquet symbolizes luxury and refinement, whether for a wedding or anniversary or as a grand gesture for someone special.

Why Choose Our Royal Roses?

  • Luxurious & Elegant: The combination of pink, purple, and white roses creates a regal and sophisticated look, making this bouquet a perfect gift for special occasions.
  • Handpicked & Fresh: Only the finest roses are selected, ensuring each bloom remains vibrant and fresh for days.
  • Versatile & Beautiful: This stunning arrangement is perfect for weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays or adds beauty and luxury to your space.

Product Details

  • Flower Type: 100 Fresh Pink, Purple & White Roses
  • Arrangement Style: Hand-arranged in a premium box, finished with a delicate ribbon
  • Customization: Price, flower colors, and arrangement size can be customized to your preferences.
  • Available Size: 100 Roses
  • Price: 945 AED
  • Delivery: Orders placed before 2:00 PM in Dubai are eligible for same-day delivery.

Flower Care Tips

To maintain the beauty of your roses:

  • Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle and place them in a clean vase filled with fresh water.
  • Change the water every 2-3 days to help the flowers stay hydrated and fresh.
  • Keep the roses in a cool, shaded area away from direct sunlight and drafts to preserve longevity.

Occasions/Use Cases

The Royal Roses (Pink, Purple & White) arrangement is perfect for any event celebrating beauty, love, and elegance. This majestic bouquet makes a grand statement for weddings, anniversaries, and any special moment worth celebrating.

Ideal for:

  • Weddings
  • Anniversaries
  • Birthdays
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Corporate Gifts
  • Special Celebrations

Order now and surprise your loved one with the ultimate display of elegance—our Royal Roses (Pink, Purple, and white)! Same-day delivery is available when you order before 2:00 PM.

But don’t stop here! At Sun Valley Flower Shop, you can explore our range of premium floral arrangements, gift baskets, and more. From classic bouquets to luxurious custom designs, we have something for every occasion. Our other categories include Flower Bouquets, Stand Arrangements, Boxes & Baskets Flower Centerpieces, and Table Arrangements.

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